Carlo Gianferro (1970) is an independent photographer. From 2004 to 2008 he worked with wealthy Romanian and Moldavian Roma communities and published Gypsy Architecture (German Axel Menges Edition, 2007) and Gypsy Interiors (Postcart Edizioni, 2009). He has worked on personal projects in Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. He has dedicated his work to investigations into mental illness, migrant workers and other communities. His photographs document the conditions of people’s lives in a context in which the environment is as important as the human figure. His images have been published all over the world and he has received numerous international awards including the 1st prize in the “Portrait stories” section of the World Press Photo Contest in 2009. In 2015 he founded ROAM, a studio/collective which aims to reinterpret the iconography of the city of Rome. Its first project “Jubilee People”, was exhibited at MACRO (Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome). In 2019 he worked for a project sponsored by WWF Mediterranean on small fishery for the exhibition “Citizens of the sea” exhibited at Museo in Trastevere of Rome. Teaches portrait photography at the WSP photography school in Rome, lives and works in Rome.

Established Artist grant by The Documentary Project Fund 2015
Festival Internationale Fotografia Belo Horizonte 2013 selection - Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Home, my Place in the World" Photography Award 2013 - 2nd place, Accademia Apulia, UK
Athens Photo Festival 2012 "Art/Doc Intersection" selection - Athens - Greece
Fotonoviembre 2011 "Autores en Seleccion" - Tenerife - Spain
Kuala Lumpur Photo Awards 2011, 2nd prize - Malasya
Winephoto 2010 - Special Award given by journalist's, Mogliano Veneto, Italy
Kuala Lumpur Photo Awards 2009, 2nd prize - Malasya
World Press Photo 2009 - 1st prize portraits stories
Grand Prix Fotofestiwal Selection 2009, Lodz, Poland
Raymond Weil Talent 2009, Geneva, Switzerland
Prix Exhange Boutographie 2008, Montpellier - France
Marco Pesaresi 2008, Savignano sul Rubicone - Italy
Forano della Chiana Festival 2004, Arezzo, Italy


Driving Energy 2024 Award – Contemporary Photography
Premio Ponchielli 2016
Kuala Lumpur Photo Awards 2012
Winephoto 2011
Premio Ponchielli 2010
"Marco Bastianelli" Book Award 2010, special mention
Sony Awards 2010, contemporary issues category
WPP Praga Prize 2009
Lange & Taylor 2009, in collaboration with David J. Nemeth
Sony Awards 2009, portraits category

Gypsy Interiors
Postcart Edizioni - August 2009
ISBN: 978-888-679-521-0

Gypsy Architecture
Edition Axel Menges - April 2007
by Renata Calzi (texts), Patrizio Corno (texts), Carlo Gianferro (photography)
Photographs by Carlo Gianferro
ISBN: 3936681120 : 9783936681123

Raymond Weil SA - Geneva
Tethis Gallery - Florence
MaxGallery Slovakia – Bratislava, Slovacchia


24 September-12 October 2024 / “Parlare alla città/Talk to the city” / Palazzo Esposizioni Roma, Rome - Italy
18-30 June / “Jubilee People” / Circolo Sannitico Campobasso, Campobasso, Italy
27 June-4 July 2022 / “Citizen of the sea” / Vasco de Gama Center / United Nations Ocean Conference, Lisboa, Portugal
18-30 November 2019 / “Citizen of the sea” / FAO Flag Hall, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy
2-20 October 2019 / “Citizen of the sea” / Museo in Trastevere di Roma, Rome, Italy
6-28 May 2017 /Les 10 ans du Prix Echange Fotoleggendo / Boutographies - les Boutographies, Montpellier, France
21 October 2016 - 08 January 2017 / "Jubilee People" at MACRO, Rome - FOTOGRAFIA Festival o Rome - "ROMA,  IL MONDO"
15- 20 December 2016 / “Gypsy Interiors” / Addis Ababa, Ethiopia . ADDIS PHOTO FEST.
1 September - 15 November 2016 /  Latidudes | Humanscapes  - International group art exhib. / L. Kanellopoulos art centre in Eleusis, Greece
10 - 11 September 2016 / TRULLO 227, contemporary art event - Martina Franca (TA) - Italy
9 - 11 September 2016 / (group. exhib.) "La fotografia addosso" Marco Pesaresi e i 15 anni del premio - Savignano sul Rubicone (FC) - Italy
March 8 – April 11, 2016 / The George S. & Dolores Doré Eccles Gallery, (group. exhib.) Unfolding Truth, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
13 November– 13 December, 2014 / “Gypsy Interiors” / Gallery FAB - University of Missouri / (group. exhib.) “Places of note” / St. Louis, USA
17-20 October 2013 /  "Trieste stories apart" / Festival della fotografia epica / Lodi, Italy
4 October-1 December 2013 / "Metropoliz portraits"/ Festival internazionale di Roma - circuit (MAAM) Rome, Italy
14 September-10 November 2013 / "Gypsy Interiros"/ 10e edition du festival photographique les Photaumnales / Beauvais et Picardie - France
July-August 2013 / "Gypsy Interiors" / Belo Horizonte International Photography Festival / Belo Horizonte - Brazil
October-November 2012 / "Gypsy Interiors" / Athens Photo Festival / Athens - Greece
September 2012 / / "Boycotters and Activists" / Provocazioni Festival 3 / Acrobax, Rome - Italy
June 2012 / "Hezbollah Families" / Winephoto 2011 / Mogliano Veneto - Italy
04 October - 04 November 2012 / (group. exhibit.) Cassandra, Genova 2001-2011 / Milan - Italy
June 2012 / Kuala Lampur Photo Awards (group. exhib.) / Kuala Lumpur, Malasya
Oviettivi e Obiettività (Group. exhib.) - Officine Fotografiche - Rome - Italy
Fotonoviembre 2011 / "Gypsy Interiors" / "Autores en Seleccion" / Tenerife -Spain
1 June - 2 Oct. 2011 / Lousiana Moma - Living (Group Exhib.) / Humlebek - Denmark
01 July/24 July 2011 / (group exhibition) “Cassandra, Genova 2001-2011” / Genoa - Italy
19 April-4 May 2011 / Kuala Lampur Photo Awards (Group Exhib.) / Kuala Lampur, Malesia
14 April - 2nd May 2011 / "Gypsy Interiors" / Tethis Gallery / Florence, Italy
12 April - 23t May 2011 / "Gypsy Interiors" / Fnac GENOA / Genoa, Italy
11 January - 28th February 2011 / "Gypsy Interiors" / Fnac Turin - Le Gru / Turin, Italy
26 October / 2 November 2010 / "Gypsy Interiors" / Aperture Gallery /, New York, USA
16th September - 13th October 2010 / "Gypsy Interiors" / Fnac Verona / Verona, Italy
13th July - 13th September 2010 / "Gypsy Interiors" / Fnac Neaples / Naples, Italy
11 June, 31 July 2010 / Festival of Architecture of Rome / Mandeep - (Group exhib.) "Atopia " / Rome, Italy 
28th May - 7th July 2010 / "Gypsy Interiors" / Fnac Milan / Milan, Italy
28 May-6 June 2010 / Artefotò, (Group exhibit.) Testimoni del nostro tempo, italians at WPP / Jesi, Ancona, Italy.
May 30-31 2010 / “Lunch with the dead” / Winephoto, (Group exhib.) / Mogliano Veneto, Italy
March-May 2010 / 10b Gallery, (Group exhib.) “Testimoni del nostro tempo, italians at WPP” / Rome, Italy
May 2009 - April 2010 / World Press Photo 2008 world tour
September 2009 / "Gypsy Interiors" / Si Fest / Savignano sul Rubiconde, Italy
7-31 May 2009 / "Gypsy Interiors" / FotofestiWal 2009 / Lodz, Poland
7-23 May 2009 / Kuala Lampur Photo Awards (Group Exhibition) / Kuala Lampur, Malesia
22-27 April 2009 / "Gypsy Interiors" / Salone del Mobile - fuorsalone - Studiooltre / Milan, Italy
1-4 April 2009 / "Portrais of Gypsies of Sevilla" / Dia International del Pueblo Gitano / Sevilla, Spain
26 March-2 April 2009 / "Gypsy Interiors" / BaselWorld 2009 / Basel, Switzerland
September 2009 / Peperoncino Festival / Diamante, Italy
May 2008 / "Gypsy Architecture" / Boutographies Festival / Montpellier, France
March 2008 / Massenzio Arte / Rome, Italy
December 2007 / Collezione Arti Fotografiche / Lucca, Italy
October 2007 / "Gypsy Architecture" / Fotoleggendo Festival / Rome, Italy
May 2007 / "Goodbye Block" / Festival of Rome - circuito (Officine Fotografiche) / Rome, Italy
May 2004 / "Condominio Multietnico" / Foiano fotografia Festival / Arezzo, Italy